Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Crazy Horse Memorial

On the 27th of June 2011 we visited the Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota

On the right is a rendition of what the monument is suppose to look like if and when it ever gets completed.

The original artist, Korczak Ziolkowski, made the monument his life's work.  He moved to the Black Hills and started the monument in 1947.  Although he intended to complete the monument  during his life-time he passed away without completing the project.  His children have since assumed the effort.  However, since his death in 1982, little progress has been made.  

There is a fee of $10 per person to enter the visitor's center.  It is NOT a federal or state project and, in my opinion, more time is spent promoting the museum, restaurant, and gift shop than completing the monument.

Because the visitor's center and museum is approximately 10 miles from the actual monument it is impossible to experience the magnitude of the project first hand.  

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