Thursday, October 20, 2011

Grand Canyon National Park

The first of July found us back at the Grand Canyon's south rim.  This is the 4th or 5th time we have visited this National Park.  The majesty is absolutely glorious.
The canyon has been formed over thousands of years by the flow of the Colorado river. 

The views are absolutely breath taking

Every time I return, I say that next time I am going to go to the bottom - but riding a donkey does not appeal to me.

If you look closely in this picture you can see the river at the bottom of the canyon wending its way westward.

These pictures were taken around the middle of the day.  I have seen it at dawn and at sunset.  Each time of day, gives off different hues and tones.  

Since the snow melted so late this year, 2011, the valley and the hills still have a touch of green.  In another few weeks the shading will be yellows and browns 

Researchers indicate that 90% of visitors to the park visit the south edge.  The main reason is that the south rim is only a little over an hour north of Flagstaff.  The North rim is another four hours away.  Next time, since I have recently retired and do not have to meet a deadline to get back to work, I am going to the north rim AND going to the bottom of the canyon.

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