Friday, December 23, 2011

Saint Andrews Scotland

 29 September 2011

When we arrived at Saint Andrews (in the distance on the hill) the tide was going out.  We were allotted two hours to see the town and eat lunch.
Saint Andrews is just north of Edinburgh on the eastern coast of Scotland.  Since the tide had just gone out, there were great lumps of green stuff everywhere.  My daughter walked out onto the wet sand to see what the green mounds were.  To take this picture I was standing on the bottom step that leads down to the water.
Seaweed.  Lots of seaweed.  Since we were on such a short timeframe, after investigating the shore we headed into town.
Saint Andrews is famous for two things:  The University and the Cathedral.  This is part of the University.  Founded in 1413 it is the oldest university in Scotland and the third oldest in the English speaking world.  It is internationally renown for both research and education as well as the University that "Wills and Kate" attended.
 Saint Andrews is famous for its cathedral.  However, the cathedral is a ruin.  The only thing completely intact is the adjacent cemetery.
This is an interesting gateway.  I am not certain, but after looking at a map I think it leads to the university library which would be on the left about a block away.
 This row of houses is typical of the housing seen all over town.  They appear to be "flats" with each floor belonging to a different tenant.  Since Saint Andrews is considered a college town, I imagine that students combine funds to rent the flats like they do here. 
As we were leaving the tide was coming back in.  By the time we had to get back on the "Coach" the water had entirely covered the beach coming right up to the steps where I had stood earlier and the grass line.

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